Le tre Corone: testi e contesti dell'Italia medievale (3rd edition)


Location: Rome Global Gateway

The Center for Italian Studies and the Rome Globe Gateway are pleased to present the third edition of "Le tre Corone: testi e contesti dell'Italia medievale". This year's event aims at presenting two recently pusblished books, namely Boccaccio's Florence: Politics and People in His Life and Works by Elsa Filosa (University of Toronto Press, 2022) and Boccaccio, edited by Maurizio Fiorilla and Irene Iocca (Carocci Editore, 2021).

Tre Corone Maggio 2023


The event will take place at the Rome Globe Gateway, Aula Walsh (via Ostilia, 15) and will also be transmitted on zoom (registration link here). The poster of the event is here.