POSTPONED - Nanovic Film Series: The Unknown Woman (Italy, 2006)


Location: DeBartolo Performing Arts Center, Browning Cinema

The Unknown Woman

**Due to the winter weather advisory, the screening scheduled for tonight (Tuesday, February 17) has been postponed until later in the spring semester, at a date to be determined.** 


Winner of the European Film Awards People's Choice Award in 2007

A Ukrainian woman named Irena calculatedly insinuates herself into the lives of a young, affluent Italian family. Stopping at nothing to become the couple's trusted maid and the beloved nanny to their fragile young daughter, Irena risks everything in her quest to uncover the truth about the family. Like an intricately constructed jigsaw puzzle, The Unknown Woman reveals piece by piece the enigma of Irena's past.

Directed by Giuseppe Tornatore
Rated R, 118 minutes

This is a free but ticketed event. Reserve tickets at 574-631-2800.

Tickets will be available for pick-up at the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center Ticket Office one hour prior to the performance. To guarantee your seat, please pick up your tickets at least 15 minutes prior to the show. In the event of a sell-out, unclaimed tickets will be used to seat patrons waiting on standby.

Part of the Nanovic Institute Film Series: Women at Work in European Cinema

Watch Trailer Reserve tickets