"Ecclesiastical Libraries in Italy and Their Collections" Part 3 - Federico Gallo (Biblioteca Ambrosiana)


Location: Medieval Institute Reading Room (715 Hesburgh Library)

History of Libraries Lecture Series: "Libraries Into the Library: Ecclesiastical Libraries in Italy and Their Collections"

Wednesday, January 28 at 5:00pm in the Medieval Institute Reading Room (715 Hesburgh Library)

Federico Gallo (Biblioteca Ambrosiana)

Lecture 3: “The Collection of Francesco Ciceri (1521-96) in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana: Research in Progress”

Father Federico Gallo, Director of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana (Milan), is an archivist and member of the Ambrosiana’s College of Doctors, as well as Director of the Program in Greek and Latin Studies at the Accademia Ambrosiana. He will visit Notre Dame in January 2015 and deliver three public lectures (January 15, 21, and 28) on the history of several major Italian medieval library collections. His visit is co-sponsored by the Ph.D. in Literature Program, the Nanovic Institute for European Studies, and the Medieval Institute.